Schöne Sprüche über das Leben

by SonTungMTP



Since ancient times, writers and philosophers, clergymen and researchers have been searching for answers to the question: What is happiness and how can it be achieved? Anyone who feels their own life and that of those around them as meaningless is not only unhappy, but also hardly capable of living. One should not fear death, but that one will never begin to live.Sometimes one arrives at knowledge through the right saying or a suitable piece of wisdom. You dont always need a lot of words, a sentence or an idea can inspire, motivate or just structure your life.Sayings and quotes about life are just as multifaceted as life itself. They deal with its ups and downs and help you to get to know yourself a little better. You can also give them away on special occasions. We have compiled and categorized selected sayings for you so that you can quickly find a saying that suits you.